Wine colour can be generalised as red, rose or white. 

The way in which the wine is made, the type of grape used, the climate in the regions where the grapes were produced, , the techniques used in making the wine,  as well as the age of the wine all influence the colour of wine. 

In the case of white wine, the younger the wine the lighter the colour. In the case of the red wine, the younger the wine the darker the colour.


White wine: 

White wines are not actually white, they tend to be lemon in colour. However, you can also find white wines that are green, gold, amber or even brown in colour. 

Here is an example of what the colour of a white wine can tell you about the wine you might be drinking: 

White wine colour


To look at the colour of a wine, it is always good to do it against a white surface, like a white serviette or even an A4 white piece of paper.

As you can see in these pictures, these wines are both white. The one of the left is a Sauvignon Blanc, and the one on the right is a dessert white, in this case a Port.

White wine colour intensity

Red wine:

The colour of  red wine is also influenced by the skins of the grapes. The lighter the skin of the grape, the lighter the colour of the wine.

Most red wines are garnet or ruby in colour. Here is an example of red wine colours:

Red wine colours

Click here to read more about how to learn about a wine just by looking at it. 




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